This website design actually began as a small project for work. I was meant to create a web and mobile design test for potential Front End Engineering candidates at work but once I got going with it, it snowballed and it wound up being more elaborate than it had to be but I had a lot of fun with it. Inspired by Prior, Club Kuru is named after one of my favourite bands and it’s a fictional exclusive club for curious travellers.

The visuals were mostly made of motifs extracted from images using Adobe Photoshop and put together to form a collage of travel imagery that would hopefully inspire the viewer to get on a plane!

Fonts used: Adobe Garamond Pro, Helvetica

P.S. If you decide to give Club Kuru a listen, I highly recommend Ribbons as a start.

Club Kuru.

Web Design (mobile and desktop), Graphic Design

Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop


Just Peachy

